Online Leadership Training

Access The Same Tools That Leaders Of Fortune 100 Companies Have Used For Over 20 Years To Grow Their Businesses And Reach Their Goals

Access The Same Tools That Leaders Of Fortune 100 Companies Have Used For Over 20 Years To Grow Their Businesses And Reach Their Goals

Whether you're a leader of 100,000 employees, or a team of 3—your time is limited. Isn't it time you stop looking for solutions in business books on audible...and start using the tools that thousands of Fortune 100 companies have been incorporating for over 20 years to get impactful results?

Woman who has benefited from online leadership training
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"With Bobbie's tools, I now have a tribe led by an awesome leader that provides guidance, an ear, sincere love, and support."

-Karen Jenkins, President & CEO at KRJ Consulting

Man who has benefitted from online leadership training
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"Through the variety of topics available, I discovered the ability to step back on most situations and not rush my decisions. I became more aware of others’ point of view."

-Christophe Ganivet, VP Operations at Orolia

Man who has benefitted from online leadership training
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 "What came out of our sessions was an alignment on where our priorities were. We have a team of talented people that knew what to do. It was more a question of where do we focus our energy. [These tools] helped us get that alignment."

-William Schreiber, CEO at O-AT-KA Milk Products Cooperative

Woman who has benefitted from online leadership training
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"Bobbie's tools helped me develop my leadership skills and ability to communicate with all types of employees and leaders."

-Ann Maynard, Managing Director at Maynard HR Consulting

I Need What They Have!

These tools are used and trusted by executives and leaders at...

Companies who have benefitted from online leadership training with Bobbie Goheen
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Man who has benefitted from online leadership training
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"I have been involved in a number of programs previously at AT&T & EDS but working with Bobbie proved more effective than anything I had previously gone through. Years later I still put in practice the tools and strategies I learned from her program in my day-to-day activities.”

Andrew Tempest, MBA Career Consultant

In the amount of time it takes you to establish a team meeting, you could be leveling up your company.

Online training courses
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Boardroom featuring online leadership training
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You've done everything right up to this point. 

Followed the leading business advice from the NY Times Best Sellers, learned techniques on building your teams from the top podcasts, and implemented a lot of the advice into your meetings. 

Yet, no matter what you do, it seems like your team just can't seem to get on the same page. 

You're always pushing them to accomplish the bare minimum, and they're biding their time until a bigger and better opportunity comes along (leading to higher turnover for you!)


You put them through team building exercises and hire consultants to improve communications, increase team effectiveness, and produce better results. 

But time after time, you watch other companies rise to the top of their goals with employees who are excited to go to work, and a never-ending supply of customers. 

What do they have that you don't?

Access to the tools & coach who's helped thousands get there before you.

Man who has benefitted from online leadership training
"Bobbie is an outstanding leadership coach. I continue benefitting from her coaching even after I finished the program, through her newsletters and unique tools."
- Xiang-Dong Mi, Sr. Research Associate at Corning
Bobbie Goheen - online leadership training coach
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Hi, I'm Bobbie —Executive Coach & Creator of Leadership Excellence

As the coach of thousands of  Fortune 100 companies and organizations ranging in size from 5 employees to 80,000 throughout the world—I know a thing or two about what it takes to build a strong company.

And what I've learned through over 20 years of coaching executives and teams is this:

Companies always rise as their leaders rise. 

I've taken what I've learned from 20 years of coaching and over 50 world-class programs (17 of which are now college certified)—and synthesized the core techniques into this program.

Leadership Excellence includes all of the top tools and resources that I take hundreds of leaders and teams through annually—and makes it available on-demand for situations when you need solutions that work, NOW.

Join Leadership Excellence and secure the tools that you'd only have access to with a referral. 

What Others Have Said About Working with Bobbie

Man who has benefitted from online leadership training

Glenn Eckhard, VP Customer Success & Account Management

"Connect with Bobbie. Later on down the road, when you reflect on some of the people that you'd credit with most positively influencing your executive thought processes and your business — she'll be on the list."




Man who has benefitted from online leadership training

Mac Anderson, Co-Founder & Chief Marketing Officer at Cleveland Kraut

"Bobbie has an uncanny ability to highlight strengths and opportunities for current and future leaders. Her ability to maneuver within organizations, creating harmonies and allowing individuals to thrive is unparalleled. I cannot thank her enough for assessing my personality, understanding my strengths and weaknesses, and advising me in a direction that has allowed me to prosper and move toward my full professional potential. Thank you, Bobbie."

Woman who has benefitted from online leadership training

Barbara Mowat, President & CEO at Impact Communications

"Bobbie is one of those rare talents whom when you meet, you immediately know she is a passionate and caring professional who wants to make a difference in people’s lives. I would highly recommend Bobbie to any organization and/or individual in need of business clarity, leadership and effective management training."




Leadership Excellence

The only program for leaders that provides on-demand tools and resources from a top-level coach to help you reach your goals, faster. 


Previously available only through 1:1 and group coaching (and only by referral), this is THE membership for leaders to help you improve communication, increase team effectiveness and produce better results, so you can successfully manage your growing company and reach your goals as a team.

In just hours, you’ll learn the systems to help you fast track development of peak performers, develop a goal-based team that drives to results, and build skills and confidence to lead your team to success– while other businesses watch you rise with the same wistful envy that used to make you go down the rabbit hole of “what am I doing wrong?” 


The Leadership Excellence 101 track is an annual membership that includes 8 highly effective and focused courses that aim to take your personal leadership skills to the next level. In these courses, you will learn practical and useful tools to add to your skill-arsenal.  

  • Learn how to fast track development of peak performers.
  • Align new projects with key stakeholders to gain buy-in from the start
  • Learn setting goal hierarchy for the company.
  • Develop a goal-based team that drives to results.
  • Build skills and confidence to lead your team to success.  

With the Leadershipā€ÆExcellence Program, you can build a passionate team who enjoys their work, strives for results, and can handle the shifting and highly competitive business world.ā€Æ 

Results from the program:  Learn the tools to build a world class, passionate, and goal-oriented team that will ensure your business can compete and push the bottom line. 


Leadership Excellence

The only program for leaders that provides on-demand tools and resources from a top-level coach to help you reach your goals, faster. 

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Previously available only through 1:1 and group coaching (and only by referral), this is THE membership for leaders to help you improve communication, increase team effectiveness and produce better results, so you can successfully manage your growing company and reach your goals as a team.

In just hours, you’ll learn the systems to help you fast track development of peak performers, develop a goal-based team that drives to results, and build skills and confidence to lead your team to success– while other businesses watch you rise with the same wistful envy that used to make you go down the rabbit hole of “what am I doing wrong?”. 


The Leadership Excellence Program is an annual membership that includes 14 highly effective and focused courses that aim to take your personal leadership skills to the next level. In these courses, you will learn practical and useful tools to add to your skill-arsenal.  

  • Learn how to fast track development of peak performers.
  • Align new projects with key stakeholders to gain buy-in from the start
  • Learn setting goal hierarchy for the company.
  • Develop a goal-based team that drives to results.
  • Build skills and confidence to lead your team to success.  

With the Leadershipā€ÆExcellence Program, you can build a passionate team who enjoys their work, strives for results, and can handle the shifting and highly competitive business world.ā€Æ 

Results from the program:  Learn the tools to build a world class, passionate, and goal-oriented team that will ensure your business can compete and push the bottom line. 

I'm Ready Now!

What comes with Leadership Excellence 101?


Leadership Excellence 101 is all about getting you started on your journey into personal and professional development. You will learn how these two key areas are defined and how they effect you in your journey to becoming a better leader. In learning about these key factors of development you will understand how to define leadership and what it means to lead to those around you. Defining these core ideas is important to your foundation of your understanding of leadership. Definition is also important to not only you but defining the tasks you expect those around you to undertake for you. If what is required from other's isn't clear than there are things you can improve as a leader to lead yourself and others to better outcomes. As such, another key factor in your development as a leader is learning how to plan and set goals for yourself and others. Additionally another important aspect of leadership is navigating both the inter- and intra-personal of your relationships and the relationships around you. As a leader you define the tone for so much of the communication that happens around you. Learning to best utilize your position to facilitate natural, effective communication is one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal.

This is a foundational course for people of all skill levels to participate in to then later build on and grow. This information has helped hundreds of leaders just like yourself to set themselves and their team on the right path in development.

Learn What Leadership is and What it Means to You and Those You Lead

“My own definition of leadership is this: the capacity and the will to rally men and women to a common purpose and the character which inspires confidence.” —General Montgomery, British Army Officer

Role of the Leader

  • Enhance skills to maintain team relations and accountability
  • Strengthen techniques to develop a team that is passionate about what they are working on
  • Gain ability to adapt to every situation to become an effective leader and build high performing employees


Role of the Leader - Online Leadership Course
Motivating and Inspiring Others - Online Leadership Course

Motivating & Inspiring Others

  • Incorporate practices to keep people motivated and inspired around vision
  • Understand the importance of different techniques and methods to keep your team forward focused
  • Learn how to empower and encourage others towards uncommon results


Leading Through High Velocity Change

  • Create an outcome-driven strategy for leading your team through change 
  • Identify clear and realistic results 
  • Maintain a “total openness” as a leader
  • Incorporate the skills to make change a way of life in an organization vs. a reactionary fire drill response
Leading Through High Velocity Change - Online Leadership Course

Learn to Plan and Set Goals for Yourself and Others

“Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” —Warren Buffett

Visionary Leadership

  • Learn to set the tone for the kind of leadership that is necessary to navigate change and take on challenges
  • Identify the fundamentals to make your organization successful
  • Understand methods to engage team communications 
  • Develop a vision for your organization and future
  • Explore channels of connectivity with teams to discover "the secret sauce of making everything work together"
Visionary Leadership - Online Leadership Course
Vision & Values - Online Leadership Course

Vision and Values

  • Identify a simple and clear vision for your company and align values that will support that vision
  • Learn how to bring your new vision and values to the greater team and allow for input and modification to build a stronger team and get organizational alignment
  • Create a cascade plan to reinforce vision and values across the group

Decision Making

  • Learn the basics of informed decision making 
  • Identify what you already know and where you have information gaps
  • Evaluate the percentage of risk and decide how to move forward
  • Understand how to quickly adapt and reflect after decisions are made
Decision Making - Online Leadership Course

Learn to Navigate Inter- and Intra- Personal Relationships as a Leader.

“Leadership is not a person or a position. It is a complex moral relationship between people based on trust, obligation, commitment, emotion, and a shared vision of the good.” —Joanne Ciulla, author and educator

How Leaders Listen

  • Apply listening skills individually and with teams
  • Learn how to self-monitor
  • Identify obstacles preventing you from active listening
  • Understand the process for listening and healthy responses


How Leaders Listen - Online Leadership Course
Team Goals - Online Leadership Course

Team Goals / Mission

  • Define what Strategic Planning is and how to implement it
  • Learn what it takes to create a clear vision that leads to clear goals for you and your team
  • Understand the fundamentals of what it takes to activate your plan so that you and your team know how to put your best foot forward


Additionally Get Access to These Tools:

Documents featuring training from online leadership learning

Downloadable Worksheets and Tools

Worksheets are available with each and every course! Use them to help with your day-to-day management or to help guide meetings with your team!

Woman who has benefitted from online leadership courses

Access to an Exclusive Facebook Group

People learn best when they are learning with peers so come get access to a circle of peers to learn and grow with.


Leadership ideas and training

Full Access, All the Time, On Your Time

Throughout the time of your membership, you will have complete access to the worksheets and videos. Go back and relearn at any time as the need arises.

Group of people who have benefitted from leadership training

Leadership Excellence is for you if...


  • Your leadership challenges have grown
  • Your business or span of control has expanded and you need new skills
  • You know that when you change your skills and level up—so does your team


Leadership Excellence is NOT for you if...


  • You are already reaching your top-shelf goals with ease
  • You're just looking to level up a problem employee, not your entire company
  • You're so short on time that you don't even have an hour to invest in yourself—even if it means growth for your company
Woman unhappy with man's lack of online leadership training

When you enroll today, you'll get instant access to your own online learning portal, PLUS...


  • 1-year membership to the Leadership Academy with access to the tools and templates whenever you need them throughout the year
  • 8 courses on a variety of topics to enhance leadership skills and your team's success ($8000 value)
  • Over 30 downloadable worksheets and tools to help you and your team lead effectively and see measurable results in your organization ($1500 value)
  • Facebook group facilitated by Bobbie Goheen to get your pressing leadership questions answered ($500 value)



Get all of this for our introductory offer of only $1597! 

Learned The Basics But Want More?


Good news then - because Leadership Excellence 201 is right around the corner. If you're looking for updates just hit the button below and we'd be happy to let you know about our next project in Leadership Excellence and creating more excellent resources for Leaders exactly like you!

What Others Have Asked Before Buying Leadership Excellence: