As you move up in any organization, it requires far more intention and focus on your part. Most of the skills you need are to deal with the hidden or unhidden emotion of others. Understanding other people’s perspective will be your most valuable skill. You do not have to agree with them, you just need to acknowledge and appreciate their point of view.
Once this skill is developed you are capable of moving mountains based on your ability to listen, understand, and have each individual be heard and honored for their contribution.
To begin the practice of understanding requires you to move to “open ended” questions (and open-mindedness). Below is a small sampling of open ended questions:
When you understand and appreciate different perspectives it is easy to find collaborative solutions or adapt current practices. As you practice this skill, you will create an environment where teamwork and cooperation become the norm. There will be more ease in getting work done rather than struggling and the organization will benefit.
Related: 7 Signs of Effective Leadership
Ready to hit your goals? It starts with your communication. Learn more about our newest course The Modern Leader's Playbook: Effective Communication here.
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