Real People, Real Success, Meet Miguel

"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them." Galileo Galilei

Miguel has a long history of creating success for himself and others. There are many qualities that make him an outstanding leader. The one that stands out to me as foundational to his success in any scenario is the ability to seek truth.

Miguel has an innate sense to seek to understand a situation. Because of this he is able to use his time and talent well to help others achieve their goals. Here are the skills he practices that allow him to build incomparable sales achievement with his teams and developing high performing leaders:

  • He asks questions to ensure he and the other are on the same page
  • He does his home work and educates himself before stepping into a presentation or conversation
  • He makes sure everyone has the same clarity of purpose and objective
  • He is not afraid to ask hard questions
  • He lets others know he will partner with them to build their success - and...
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When To Release Control of Things in Leadership

“When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.” – Alexander Graham Bell

Every executive who moves into their personal best of leadership has the ability to shed control to the appropriate people. This is a difficult and important focus especially when shifts in economy and market require organizations to shift. While it may be important to rightsize and downsize it is imperative that this not be the control mechanism you use to lead or guide a team or company. The key to growth is to grow.... in order to do that it takes the ability to let go of old actions and move into the right activities to grow your organization.

“We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the life that is waiting for us.” – Joseph Campbell

Related: Vision Planning as a Leader

Indicators it is time to let go:

No one can do it as well...

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When to Let Go as a Leader

“When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.” – Alexander Graham Bell

Every executive who moves into their personal best of leadership has the ability to shed control to the appropriate people. This is a difficult and important focus especially when shifts in economy and market require organizations to shift. While it may be important to rightsize and downsize it is imperative that this not be the control mechanism you use to lead or guide a team or company. The key to growth is to grow.... in order to do that it takes the ability to let go of old actions and move into the right activities to grow your organization.

“We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the life that is waiting for us.” – Joseph Campbell

Related: The Do's and Don'ts of Commitment

Indicators it is time to let go:

No one can do it as...

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Quality Growth as a Leader Needs Creativity

"There are two ways of being creative. One can sing and dance. Or one can create an environment in which singers and dancers flourish."
Warren G. Bennis

There is no growth even in nature without planting new seeds. Successful leaders understand the common sense truth nature offers daily. If you want your team, organization and company to grow you have to create a cycle of new ideas, good environment, good management, and good marketing. Simple....yet somehow gets complicated with interesting notions.

Fear is the primary impediment of creativity and strong growth. Deming wrote of this with his point number eight "obligation of management" was to drive fear out of the organization. Fear of being fired, reprisals, losing status, or being different weakens the growth cycle of a company. Deming believed that quality, innovation, and creativity all required risk taking and the willingness to speak up.

How to grow the company as a Leader

Related: 5 Accountability Practices You Need as a...

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Clear Leadership

"The manager has a short-range view; the leader has a long-range perspective."
Warren G. Bennis

In a world where short term results are the measurement of success and the long term vision is not lose the heart, talent and creativity of people.

To be a manager means to focus on "the tactics" of getting short term results. To be a leader means to move out the noise, problems and everyday fears so you and your team are moving to a better future.

This seems easy and it is quite hard because there are so many daily distractions and emergencies to pull you from that focus.

How to move into Leadership

Related: 8 Questions to Ask to Create Alignment

The easiest way to begin to move to leadership vs daily blocking and tackling is to:

*Allow others to do their job

*Know mistakes are learning opportunities

*You can't do everything

*Have "one clear focus" that will take yourself and your team to a better place

*Inspire those around you

*Keep the "one clear focus" for your team and...

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Constant Choice in Leadership

"Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice." Wayne Dyer

This is one of the simplest statements and it is the hardest. The impact of this recession will be felt for a long time. The hard and easy part of being a leader during this time to continue to be a leader in the face uncertainty and to maintain your motivation to move in a direction which may be unclear yet "feels right".

Feelings are taboo to speak of in leadership, business and organizations.....yet they are 'the secret sauce' of great leaders and are the source of our drive, the energy which moves us from common execution to uncommon excellence. It is the source which powers impactful leadership.

The important skill to learn is to differentiate between feeling and emotion. One is a source of great wisdom and truth and the later is to act out.

Feelings & Emotions in Leadership

Related: How to Move Past Analysis Paralysis

Here are some options to gaining clarity on your...

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Stepping Forward in Leadership

"Don't try, just be." Bobbie Goheen

Odd words for they seem in direct conflict with Yoda, who we all know is one wise gnome. And the truth of it is that the ability to move in the direction of your dreams and aspirations is directly related to your abilty to move, to make, to do...etc.

What gets in the way is the over thinking, over analyzing, over questioning...all which ulitmately fosters doubt and doubt inherently brings stasis.

Listening in Leadership is Key

Related: 4 Questions to Ask to Build Your Team

The ability to stay true to your nature, your call, your voice is the greatest practice you can have. Learning how to listen and follow is difficult because there is so much noise, fear, uncertainty and doubt about which holds all greatness back.

The practice "of being" requires making regular choices which are in alignment with you, listening to the inner critic with compassion, and staying true to the thrum which allows you to create in a way which is supportive of you and...

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The First Steps of Leadership

leadership manager Jun 14, 2023

“The person who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” Anonymous

The ability to see the mountain(s) and not ignore it is the first step of leadership. Leaders are clear on what is in front of them, they hear the truth, they are honest of their own reaction, and they do not deny the reality before them.

With this clarity and truth Leaders are able to begin to define a way up, through or around to continue in the direction of their dreams and/or vision.

Seeing truth as a Leader

Related: Career Questions to Ask

To see the truth takes the following skills:

Observe what is before you
Resist making up stories about why and what
Gain input from others on the experience
Do not judge their words or observations, only listen with openness
Define what is true for yourself
Ask for support, direction, help or advice from others with experience
Map your path forward
Take the first step

Leaders who practice the above are the ones who continue...

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The Dichotomy of Leadership

“A leader takes people where they want to go.
A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go but ought to be.”
Roslyn Carter

The dichotomy of leadership is there really is no one telling you what to do, which is great and than again there is no one telling you what to do….which means it is so about you.

Spending your time and talent in the right areas are key to achieving the success you know is possible. I cannot tell you how many people I meet who so want to be free of people telling them what to do that when they are free…. they become lost and ineffective.

To be a leader a strong and effective leader it takes:

  • having a clear set of core values,
  • clear and doable goals which are inspirational and aspirational
  • the ability to discipline yourself to focus on the right activities to achieve your goals,
  • the diligence to constantly learn and grow new skills and behaviors to adapt to new levels of expectations and performance
  • take time...
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